Conceal the div using a sliding left animation

After researching extensively, I have been unable to find a solution to my problem.

In order to better illustrate my issue, here is the code for reference: jsfiddle

I am looking to create a sliding effect for a calc div where it moves to the left, similar to the example provided at the bottom of my code (animation and behavior work perfectly). However, as it slides, I need the entire content of the page to move to the left along with it. And when the div slides back, the content should shift to the right accordingly. The content itself behaves as expected, floating in from the left side.

If there is a simpler approach or any errors in my markup, I am open to any suggestions or corrections.

Thank you in advance.


I forgot to mention that even when the div slides off the page, it still needs to be visible by 2-3px.

Answer №1

My previous explanation may have been a bit confusing, I apologize for any language barrier. I successfully achieved my goal using the code

$('#calc').animate({width: 'toggle'});

If you'd like to see the updated result in action, check it out on Jsfiddle

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