bespoke design picture holder

Is it possible to create a custom-shaped image container without using <div />?

I encounter an issue when trying to add corners on top of the #content-box as shown in this screenshot: . The corner images only cover half of the block element, with the remainder (the pink alpha-background) blocking active elements underneath them.

Are there any solutions or workarounds for this problem?

Answer №1

In response to my own inquiries:

It seems that having a custom shape HTML element without a parent block element holding it is not feasible, unless using SVG.

However, I did discover a workaround involving the clever CSS rule pointer-events, which allows clicking through the element.

pointer-events: none;

This successfully resolved the problem I was facing.

Answer №2

Creating custom shaped containers may seem impossible at first glance. However, one way to achieve this effect is by using <div> elements with different background images. Here's an example:


<div id="content-wrapper">
    <div id="content-box">
    <!-- Upload photo content box --->



#content-wrapper{background:url('images/four-corners.png') no-repeat}
#content-box{background:url('images/octagon.png') no-repeat}

By using this method, the images will not interfere with any interactive elements on the webpage.

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