Unable to load CSS background image

As I develop a website for a fictional company to enhance my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I am encountering an issue with loading my background image. If someone could review my code to identify the problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

Check out the GitHub release here

Answer №1

If you want to access the image file in the parent folder, make sure to use two dots (../) to navigate back to the parent folder before specifying the path to the image file like this: ../Images/image.jpeg

Here is an example in CSS:

background-image: url("../Images/pexels-photo-coffee-main.jpeg");

Answer №2

Remember to use ../ instead of ./

../ will take you up a directory while ./ will keep you in the current directory.

For example, your code:

background-image: url("./Images/pexels-photo-coffee-main.jpeg");

should actually be:

background-image: url("../Images/pexels-photo-coffee-main.jpeg");

Note if you need to go back multiple directories, you can use ../../../. This would take you back 3 directories, for instance.

Answer №3

Ensure the correct directory structure is in place. Here is an example:


When loading images, ensure that your CSS code includes:

background-image: url('assets/images/image_file.jpg');

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