Ways to conceal a dynamically generated div upon page load?

I am currently facing a scenario where I need to dynamically create a div. My initial approach was to create it on the document ready event, but the requirement is for it to be displayed only upon selection. The problem I am encountering is that the empty div gets created during page load. Therefore, my goal now is to hide the div initially and show it only when text is selected.


$(document).ready(function () {
var replaceDiv = document.createElement('div');
replaceDiv.id = 'rplceTxtDiv';
var innerspan = document.createElement('span');
innerspan.innerHTML += '˟';
var innerDiv = document.createElement('div');
innerspan.addEventListener("click", closePopUp, false);
replaceDiv.addEventListener("click", getSel, false);
var rplceTxtDiv = $('#rplceTxtDiv');
$('#mytextarea').on('select', function (e) {
    var txtarea = document.getElementById("mytextarea");
    var start = txtarea.selectionStart;
    var finish = txtarea.selectionEnd;
    rplceTxtDiv.offset(getCursorXY(txtarea, start, 20)).show();
    rplceTxtDiv.find('div').text('replace with stars');
}).on('input', function () {
    if (interval) {
        interval = false;
        if (edits.length > maxHistorySize) edits.shift();
        setTimeout(() => interval = true, saveInterval);
document.onkeydown = undo;

Check out the code on plunker

The visual representation of the issue can be seen in the following image:

Answer №1

Conceal the DIV prior to adding it to the webpage using

replaceDiv.style.display = "none";

I suggest revealing it again after making changes to the content by

replaceDiv.style.display = "block";

Answer №2

To assign a CSS class, follow these steps:

.ExampleClass {
  visibility: hidden;

Then, using JavaScript:


Answer №3

Simply use the hide() method to hide all div elements with the class name "yourclass". This can be done like so:

For example, you can include this in your document ready function:


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