Is there a way to make the tooltip wider in Bootstrap Vue? I have a long statement to display in the tooltip, but it is only showing three words per row, resulting in a taller tooltip with less width.
<span id="disabled-wrapper" class="d-inline-block" tabindex="0">
<b-button variant="primary" style="pointer-events: none;" disabled>Disabled button</b-button>
<b-tooltip target="disabled-wrapper">jasfkjsdfsdafiads uhsdifumasb jhgasd asd ua d uiuud iad iadh ad ihhad ad aid ia dia id ai did ai d a ushdufsd ushd iufads fiuash dfias d uusahdfiusahifu ais fisadu fius fsuhdfushfisafh isaf hisauhfisa hhfish fiushf iush fisu hfisuh fis hfius hfius stooltip</b-tooltip>