Is there a way to create a fixed container aligned to the right and have the parent container handle scrolling?

My setup is as follows:

  • Full width, 100px height header
    • The header is always visible at the top.
  • Full width, remaining height details
    • The content of details can scroll vertically and horizontally.
    • A fixed 200px width, full height container is right-aligned to the details.
    • The detail container controls the scrolling, and there is padding on the right to account for the right-aligned frozen section.

The body of the page does not scroll at all; only the details container does.

This is how I envision it looking:,css,output. However, once you start scrolling, you'll notice that the right-aligned container remains in place and moves with the scroll. Here, I have placed the right-aligned container inside the scrollable container to keep it within the scrollbars.

This is how I want it to function:,css,output. However, you might observe that the right container sits above the scrollbars. In this case, I've positioned the right-aligned container outside the scrollable container so it can remain floating on the right side.

I believe I must be overlooking something simple here. Any ideas?

Answer №1

Hopefully this solution meets your needs. I have implemented the code to fix the header and side elements while still relying on the browser scrollbar.

body {

.header {

.main {
  max-height:calc(100vh - 100px);

.main-content {

.side {
      <div class="header">

      <div class="main">
        <section class="main-content">Main content area</section>
        <section class="side">Side</section>

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