Displaying or hiding table columns in Vue.js Element-UI el-table based on screen width: a step-by-step guide

Here is my code snippet for generating a table:

<el-table :data="tableData" empty-text="No data to display :( " v-if="window.width > 855">
   v-for="column in tableColumnsMd"

Javascript part:

data() {
      return {
        tableColumnsMd: [
            prop: "name",
            label: "Name",
            minWidth: 150,
            prop: "status",
            label: "Status",
            minWidth: 200,
            prop: "registrationDate",
            label: "Registration Date",
            minWidth: 150,
            prop: "accountId",
            label: "Account ID",
            minWidth: 100,
        //synchronized data with the table
        tableData: [],

Total number of columns: 4.

I would like to have a responsive design: if the screen width is less than 853px, then only display the first 3 columns or maybe show the first and last column instead.

Thank you!

Answer №1

If I were to approach it, I would do the following:

  1. First, create a computed property that checks for the condition:
computed: {
 shouldDisplay() {
   return window.innerWidth > 853

Next, you can use this computed property in your template using either v-show (to always render and hide based on condition) or v-if.

Here's an example implementation:

<el-table :data="tableData" empty-text="No data available :( " v-if="shouldDisplay">
   v-for="column in tableColumnsMd"


For this to be reactive, make sure to add an event listener as explained in this post:

Computed property reactive to window.innerwidth in VueJS

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