The columns in the table are hidden when resizing

There are three tables in my code. The first table does not have any margin set, while the next two tables have a margin-left property to slightly move them to the left side. However, when I resize the window, I'm unable to see the last column in the other two tables. How can I fix this issue? Interestingly, the first table looks fine even after resizing.

Visit this link for reference

Here's the code snippet:

<table class="table" style="margin-left: 160px; width: 1759px;">
        <tr class="subBomListHeading subBomHeading" style="">
          <th>BOM Type</th>
          <th>Product P/N</th>
          <th>Brand Name</th>
          <th>BOM Description</th>
        <tr style="background-color: #e5dcd1;" class=" subBom">
          <td>sub BOM</td>
          <td>Hardware v1.0 System</td>
          <td><input type="radio" name="sex" value="male"></td>

Answer №1

Consider trying this:

<table class="table" style="margin-left: 160px; width: 100%;">

It's important to note that <tables> are not designed to be 'responsive' in terms of re-layout, but rather 'expandable'.

If your table is being displayed at its minimum width, it's possible that the last column is not visible because it exceeds the viewport size.

Answer №2

It appears that the issue lies in having width: 100% applied to your tables. This sets them to be as wide as the window and then shifts them off-screen, causing the last column to be hidden. Consider adjusting the width to a smaller value for better display.

Answer №3

There are a couple of issues that need addressing here.

First off, there seems to be a problem with the fixed width of the tables. Depending on how the overflow property is set on ancestor elements, it could lead to the clipping you mentioned as the element might be too wide for the space. It's important to clarify how wide you want these elements to be, but something like the following code snippet should help:

table.brown {
    min-width: 80%; /* or simply `width: 80%` */

Eventually, there may come a point where resizing becomes impossible due to the content of the table not allowing it. Once your cells become as narrow as one word, it can be challenging to accommodate longer words like "Description" without utilizing word-break: break-all.

Secondly, if you wish to move the element in a specific direction, it's essential to use a different margin setting. Setting the value for margin-left as auto would actually shift the element all the way to the right.

table.brown {
    margin-left: auto;

Here is a helpful example link.

Answer №4

The amount of CSS present is overwhelming for me to grasp. Perhaps beginning with a basic table layout and then incrementally incorporating CSS elements would be a more manageable approach.

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