Ways to halt a CSS animation when it reaches the screen boundary

I put together this demo:

By clicking, a red box falls down.

The issue arises when trying to determine the screen size using only CSS. In my demo, I set the box to fall for 1000px regardless of the actual screen height.

Here is the keyframe code snippet:

@include keyframes("fall"){
      top: 1000px;

Unfortunately, using bottom: 0px; isn't viable as it doesn't solve the main problem of determining where the fall should start from.

This is the JavaScript script called FallBox.js:

function FallBox(x, side, parent){
  this.x = x;
  this.parent = parent || $("body");
  this.side = side || Math.random()*200;

FallBox.prototype.createBox = function(){
  box = document.createElement('div');
  $box = $(box); // I dislike brackets
      width: this.side+"px",
      height: this.side+"px",
      left: this.x+"px",
      top: "-"+(this.side+5)+"px"
  this.box = $box;

FallBox.prototype.fall = function(){

Using overflow: hidden; in the parent div could be a solution, but it's not ideal. It may restrict users with larger screens and I want the box to stop when reaching the edge, similar to hitting the ground and not passing through.

An alternative solution involving the CSSOM API was found online, however, even Mozilla developers are unsure about its compatibility.

So, how can I halt the animation upon hitting the screen edge when properties cannot be injected via JavaScript?

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you are in search of a pure CSS solution, consider utilizing the 'calc' feature within CSS along with the 'vh' unit.

document.querySelector(".box").addEventListener("click", function() {
* {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.box {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 200px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: red;
  transition: top 2s;
.box.is-dropped {
  top: calc(100vh - 100px);
<div class="box"></div>

Answer №2

You can utilize the translatey() CSS transform function to move each div upward by 100% of its own height. This approach allows for only 2 rules to adjust the value of the top position without needing to consider the height in each instance.

    var  div=d.createElement("div"),
        div.classList.remove("go");// necessary so that newly created divs don't just get added to the bottom of the page
          div.classList.add("go");// adding this class starts the animation.
  border:1px solid #fff;
  transition:top 2s linear;


Since the height of the box is dynamically set in your JavaScript, your CSS does not have prior knowledge of each box's height. However, you can still use the CSS calc() function to define the desired top position to animate each box to, similar to how you specify the starting top position. Below is a basic example with an alternative solution provided in the comments, which avoids using calc(), if preferred.

var  div=document.createElement("div"),
      div.style.top="calc(100% - "+size+"px)"; /* Important calculation */
//    div.style.top=document.body.offsetHeight-size+"px"; /* Alternate solution without calc() */
  border:1px solid #fff;
  transition:top 2s linear; /* Transition instead of animation for smoother effect */

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