Tick the checkbox to indicate that I want to insert an image in the adjacent column for the same row

Every time I click on the checkbox, an image should appear in the adjacent column for that specific row. Despite using the addClass() method and targeting the td, the image is appearing in all rows instead of just the selected one.

Could somebody help me troubleshoot this issue? I have included my code below:


$(document).on('change', '#checkIDGrid', function() {
  alert("I am inside change");

  if (this.checked) {
    var returnVal = confirm("Are you sure?");
    $(this).prop("checked", returnVal);
  // $('#textbox1').val(this.checked);        

Answer №1

Instead of adding the class to all td elements, consider using a more targeted selector to apply it only where needed.

Answer №2

To access the adjacent column of a specific row, utilize the following code:


You can then apply a class to it like this:


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