Ways to apply a border-bottom to tr elements without affecting td elements

Is there a way to add a bottom border to <tr> elements without affecting <td> cells that have no border?

I attempted the following approach, but setting border: 0 for <td> overrides the border for all <tr> elements as well, leaving only <thead> and <th> with borders!

table.admin_datagrid tbody tr {
     border:1px solid red;

table.admin_datagrid td{
    border: 0;

Answer №1

Were you asking about adding borders between the rows but not between the columns?

table.admin_datagrid tbody tr {


table.admin_datagrid td{
    border-left: 0;
    border-right: 0;
    border-top:1px solid red;
    border-bottom:1px solid red;

Answer №2

The problem here is not with the td border overriding the tr border, but rather with attempting to set a border on the tr element. Instead, consider applying a class to the td elements in the row that require a bottom border:

Here's an example using HTML:

<table class="data-table">
            <td class="border-bottom">

And the corresponding CSS:

table.data-table td.border-bottom {
     border-bottom: 1px solid blue !important;

table.data-table td{
    border: 0;

Check out this JSFiddle for a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/8t7Lz/

Answer №3

Revise the sequence and include display:block :

table.admin_datagrid td{
    border: 0;

table.admin_datagrid tr {
     display: block;
     border:1px solid red;

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/z5GZN/

Answer №4

To improve the structure of your table, include the CSS property border-collapse: collapse.


      border-collapse: collapse; 
table.data_table tbody tr {
     border: 1px solid blue;

table.data_table td{
    border: none;

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