What could be the reason for this code not displaying buttons on separate lines rather than next to each other?

I am struggling to get the Logo to print followed by all buttons lined up side-by-side. I have experimented with different display properties within the first <div> tag such as block, inline-block, and even removing the display property altogether. I also attempted removing the Box mui tag, but nothing seems to be working. It's possible that I am making a simple mistake due to my lack of experience in CSS. This is part of a Next.js project.

import {makeStyles} from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import DashboardIcon from '@material-ui/icons/DashboardOutlined';
import ListingsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Reorder';
import ScheduleIcon from '@material-ui/icons/EventNote';
import ProfileIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AccountCircleOutlined';
import SalesIcon from '@material-ui/icons/TrendingUp';
import BookingsIcon from '../../public/images/bookingsIcon.svg';
import Logo from '../mainLogo';
import Box from '@material-ui/core/Box';

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    '& > *': {
      margin: theme.spacing(1),

export default function SideNav() {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
      <Logo />
      <div display="block">
          startIcon={<DashboardIcon />}
          startIcon={<ListingsIcon />}
          startIcon={<ScheduleIcon />}
          startIcon={<BookingsIcon />}
          startIcon={<SalesIcon />}
          Sales & Analytics
          startIcon={<ProfileIcon />}

Answer №1

Try adding the flex property to the div with a direction of column as shown below:

      <div style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'column'}}>
          startIcon={<DashboardIcon />}

Answer №2

To ensure the button displays as a block element, you can apply the "display: block;" property directly to the button itself.

Since buttons are typically inline-block elements by default and divs are usually block-level elements, it is important to specify the display block property for the button tag instead of the surrounding div.

button {
  display: block;
<button>Click Here</button>

Answer №3

attempt using

<div style={{flexDirection:"column"}}>

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