Ways to activate side-to-side scrolling?

Here on this specific page, I am looking to showcase the SPECIAL and RECOMMENDED sections together in a single line with horizontal scrolling.

This is my current CSS:

.box-product {
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;

I have attempted implementing it like this:

.box-product {
width: 100%;
height: 320px;
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;

However, this method has not successfully enabled the horizontal scroll; the vertical scroll still appears.

Answer №1

Adjust the width of .box-product to be equal to the product width multiplied by the product count. No other changes are necessary.

Currently, the width is set to 100% (737px), causing the content to break to a new line due to default CSS behavior. Adding overflow: hidden will hide the second line of content.

Answer №2

Enter the width of your box-product class in pixels, not as a percentage. Then, apply overflow:auto.

This method will be effective.

Example: .box-product { width: 100px; overflow: auto; }

If you only want horizontal overflow, add overflow-x:auto;

Answer №3

To effortlessly accomplish this, simply use the following CSS rule:

.box-product { width: max-content; }
(with consideration for vendor prefixes).

Another option is to utilize display: flex, as its children do not automatically wrap.

Answer №4

Get rid of the width: 100% property and ensure that your content is not floating.

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