Steps for displaying a website within a specific Div using HTML

I'm trying to set up a website to open within a specific <div> tag, like the example shown in this link: Responsive. Can anyone spot what I'm doing incorrectly?

   function mobile320()

<style type="text/css">
  margin: 0px auto;
  padding: 0px;
  background: #06855a;
  text-align: center;

  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
  width: 320px !important;
  height: 480px !important;
  background: #efefef;

   <input type="button" value="Load new document" onclick="mobile360()" />
   <div class="browser1"> </div>

Answer №1

This is definitely not a div element, it's actually an iframe:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Answer №2

Embed an iframe within the container and direct it to the intended website,

Alternatively, perform an HTTP GET request and update the inner content of the specified div with the received response.

Answer №3

Revise your code like so:

function updateBrowser() {
    document.querySelector(".browser1").setAttribute("src", "");

...and update the div element like this...

<iframe class="browser1"></iframe>

Check out a live demonstration here.

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