Tips for including multiple spaces within a cell of a table

I've come across an issue while working on a table and attempting to insert text with multiple spaces. For example, I want to add the text HELLO<1stSPACE><2ndSPACE>WORLD. However, when I enter it as HELLO WORLD, it only displays with a single space.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to address this problem?

<th width="6%" class="textLeft width100px borderTopNone" style="vertical-align:top;font-size:14px; white-space: nowrap;" colspan="2">HELLO       WORLD</th>

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Answer №1

apply some styling

display: block

for the parent container

Answer №2

Did you know that the &nbsp; character entity can be used as a non-breaking space? Check out this DEMO

In HTML, &nbsp; is a commonly used character entity for creating non-breaking spaces.

HTML code example:


Answer №3

One way to adjust spacing in CSS is by using the word-spacing property, like this:

word-spacing: 1em;

To learn more about this topic, check out these resources:

If you want to see an example in action, here's a demo on jsfiddle - notice how the second table cell has extra spacing added.

Another method mentioned by others is using white-space: pre, but keep in mind it may not be compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer. Additionally, you have already set white-space to nowrap.

Alternatively, you can manually add spaces using &nbsp;, although using CSS is typically a better practice.

Answer №4

Start your text with the <pre> tag. This tag will display your text as you have typed it, unlike simple HTML tags which remove extra spaces. For an even simpler solution, use &nbsp instead of regular spaces.

<th width="6%" class="textLeft width100px borderTopNone" style="vertical-align:top;font-size:14px; white-space: nowrap;" colspan="2">


<th width="6%" class="textLeft width100px borderTopNone" style="vertical-align:top;font-size:14px; white-space: nowrap;" colspan="2">
    <pre>HELLO  WORLD</pre>

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