Tips for utilizing ng class within a loop

Having some trouble with my template that loops through a JSON file using json server. The issue I'm facing is related to correctly applying ng class when clicking on icons. Currently, when I click on an icon, it adds a SCSS class but applies it to all icons simultaneously. I'm trying to make it so that the SCSS class only applies to the specific icon I clicked on.

Any help is appreciated.


<div class="image-mosaic">
      <div class="card" *ngFor="let film of films">
            <img [src]="film.img" class="img-style">
            <div class="icon-style">
                <mat-icon (click)="addFavoris(film); $event.stopPropagation()" [ngClass]="{'rouge': film.favoris == true}">


export class TemplateListComponent {
  public showFiller = false;
  @Input() public films: MovieListe[];
  @Output() public favoris = new EventEmitter();

  addFavoris(favoris: MovieListe) {
    this.showFiller = !this.showFiller;

    let t: MovieListe = { ...favoris };
    t.favoris = this.showFiller;



      "id": 1,
      "title": "Smile",
      "rating": 2,
      "releaseDate": "12/02/2010",
      "img": "assets/img/film.jpg",
      "favoris": true

Answer №1

If you're looking to apply a new class to the element that was just clicked, follow these steps:


<div class="image-grid">
      <div class="item" *ngFor="let photo of photos">
            <img [src]="photo.url" class="photo-style">
            <div class="overlay">
                <mat-icon (click)="applyClass(icon)" #icon>


export class GalleryComponent {
  public showFiller = false;
  @Input() public photos: Photo[];
  @Output() public favorites = new EventEmitter();

  public applyClass(element: MatIcon): void {

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