Next.js fails to update the user interface (UI) when there is a change in

In my latest Next.js project, I am working on a feature that involves looping through an array of amenities. Each amenity is displayed in a div element that, when clicked, toggles the active property. The logic behind this functionality is handled by the addAmenity function, which iterates through the amenities array and toggles the active property of the specific item accordingly. However, despite the console.log(tempList) confirming the change in state, the UI does not reflect this by showing a green background color for the div with an active status. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?

//Next js

const amenitiesDefaultArr = [
        data: "bathroom",
        text: "Private Bathroom",
        icon: <WcIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,
        data: "dining",
        text: "Dining Hall",
        icon: <FastfoodIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,
        data: "wifi",
        text: "Wifi",
        icon: <WifiIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,

const addAmenity = (e) => { 
        let dataItem = e.currentTarget.dataset.amenity
        let tempList = amenitiesList => {
            if ( === dataItem) = !
            return el


const AddDorm = () => {
    const [amenitiesList, setAmenitiesList] = useState(amenitiesDefaultArr)

    return (
   => {
                const {data, text, icon } = el
                let { active } = el

            return (
                    className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`} 
                    onClick={(e) => addAmenity(e)}
/* CSS */
.amenity {
  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  border-radius: 50px;
  box-shadow:  5px 5px 10px #919191,
              -5px -5px 10px #ffffff;
  z-index: 4;
  cursor: pointer;

.amenity-active {
  background-color: var(--green);

Answer №1

The issue lies in attempting to pass data within a JSX element as if it were in standard html format.


React operates differently than this. As a result, e.currentTarget.dataset.amenity will always be undefined. Instead, React utilizes refs to interact with DOM elements. Further information on refs can be found in the official React documentation. However, in your specific case, there is no need for a ref, as you can directly send data to any function. See below:

    className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`} 
    // data-amenity={data}
    onClick={() => addAmenity(data)}

In the addAmenity function, simply receive the data like so:

const addAmenity = (incoming) => {
    let dataItem = incoming

Below, you'll find the corrected version of your code that functions perfectly. Feel free to reach out if you found this helpful.

//Next js
import { useState } from 'react'
const amenitiesDefaultArr = [
        data: "bathroom",
        text: "Private Bathroom",
        icon: <WcIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,
        data: "dining",
        text: "Dining Hall",
        icon: <FastfoodIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,
        data: "wifi",
        text: "Wifi",
        icon: <WifiIcon fontSize="large" />,
        active: false,

const AddDorm = () => {
    const [amenitiesList, setAmenitiesList] = useState(amenitiesDefaultArr)

    const addAmenity = (incoming) => {
        let dataItem = incoming

       const tempList = => {
            if ( === dataItem) = !
            return el


    return (
   => {
                const {data, text, icon} = el
                let { active } = el

            return (
                    className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`} 
                    // data-amenity={data}
                    onClick={() => addAmenity(data)}

export default AddDorm

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