Tips for using jQuery to add or append a class to the final li element

I am currently struggling to understand why the last child of the li element is not being inserted into the last li. This module functions as a treeview, and my main objective is to add a class to the last li.

Let me demonstrate with some sample code and illustrations below:

As you can see, the added class is on a different li element when it should be on the check mark.

Problem: The added class ('last') is not appearing on the correct last li.

I have two HTML pages:

  1. posting.blade.php
  2. manage_child.blade.php


<ul id="tree1">
    @foreach($categories as $category)
            {{ $category->title }}
                @include('/SuperAdmin/manage_child',['childs' => $category->childs])


@foreach($childs as $child)
        {{ $child->title }}
        @include('/SuperAdmin/manage_child',['childs' => $child->childs])

Treeview Js:

    treed: function (o) {

        var openedClass = 'far fa-minus-square';
        var closedClass = 'far fa-plus-square';

        if (typeof o != 'undefined'){
            if (typeof o.openedClass != 'undefined'){
            openedClass = o.openedClass;
            if (typeof o.closedClass != 'undefined'){
            closedClass = o.closedClass;

        // Rest of the JS code...


// Initialization of treeviews



#tree1, #tree1 ul {

// Rest of the CSS code...

Additionally, I want to remove the yellow background of the children with the .branch class.

Answer №1

To properly navigate through the tree structure, it is essential to descend downwards and select the final item. This action involves gathering all instances of li, singling out the last one, and assigning a specific class to it. Instead of employing the .is statement, implement the following code snippet:


If you specifically require this functionality based on the element that has been currently clicked, utilize the alternative method as shown below:


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