Use Javascript to display an image based on the date, otherwise hide the div

I'm looking to implement an image change on specific dates (not days of the week, but actual calendar dates like August 18th, August 25th, September 3rd, etc).

Here's the div I'm working with:

<div id="matchday">
    <img id="home" src="css/images/teams/home.png">
    <span class="verses">V</span>
    <img id="away" src="css/images/teams/away1.png">

My objective is to change the "away" image to away2.png, away3.png ... away20.png, etc., on specific match dates.

To add complexity, instead of having a default "away" image, I want the div to only be displayed on matchdays (the specified dates for image changes).

Answer №1

selectedDate represents a specific day within a month (1-31), while selectedMonth corresponds to a particular month (0-11):

if(getCurrentDate() == selectedDay && getCurrentMonth() == selectedMonth){
document.getElementById("image").src = "image834759837489734.png" //insert any imageN.png you desire

Answer №2

If you're working with Javascript, don't forget about the handy Date object that comes built-in. To get started, simply create a new Date object like this var date = new Date(). If you want a helpful tutorial on how to manipulate time and date values using Javascript's Date object, check out this link: , or consider using the Moment library available at You can then use the instantiated date object in an if / switch statement to display the desired content effectively.

Answer №3

   imgArray= new Array();
    for(index=1;index<=20;index++) {
        imgArray[index]=index+".png";  //Assign the name of your image files as 1.png,2.png etc.

if(getDate()==desiredDay && getMonth()==desiredMonth){

Derived from nicael's response

Answer №4

For your CSS styling, make sure to include the following:

#gameTime {
   display: none,

To implement this using JavaScript and jQuery:


   //Specify the date and time of the match
   var gameDateTime = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);

   //Compare current date with the specified match date
   if($.now() == gameDateTime.getTime()) {

      //Display the div element for the match (adjust values accordingly)
      $("#gameTime").css("display", "block");

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