What is the technique for rearranging columns to be at the top in Foundation for mobile devices?

On my desktop, I have a layout like this:

[Column1 large-8] [Column2 large-4]

For mobile view, I'd like it to be like this:

[Column2 large-4]
[Column1 large-8]

Below is the code snippet I am working with:

<div id="search-content" class="row main-content">

    <div class="columns large-8">


    <aside class="columns large-4">



However, when trying the following code:

<div id="search-content" class="row main-content">

    <div class="columns large-8 small-push-4">


    <aside class="columns large-4 small-pull-4">



The layout ends up looking like this:

[Column2 large-4 small-pull-4][Column1 large-8 small-push-4]

Due to which Column2 gets pushed off the screen.

Answer №1

update the small-pull-4 to small-pull-8

To create space for your first div, push your columns by 4 so that it occupies four columns. Also remember to pull 8 as your first column is taking up 8 columns.

<div id="search-content" class="row main-content">
    <div class="columns large-8 small-push-4">
    <aside class="columns large-4 small-pull-8">

Answer №2

Float elements can be manipulated using Push and Pull.

To achieve this, jQuery is necessary. For example:


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