Ways to ensure the background color stretches the entire length of the page

I've been attempting to create a background image or color that extends across the entire main content area, but haven't had any success so far.

For reference, please visit

My attempts have involved adding a class called fill to the container-fluid div, as well as trying with the page-content-wrapper div...

.fill {

...However, the background doesn't expand beyond the vertical height of the contained #story-bar div.

Answer №1

When using a percentage height for the .fill element, its height is calculated relative to its parent. To ensure proper styling, you must define a specific height for each ancestor all the way up to the html and body elements:

div#page-content-wrapper {

Additionally, make sure to include a semi-colon after setting the height property for the .fill class:

.fill {

You can see a working example by following this LINK.

(The link is external as the code snippet couldn't be fully demonstrated here.)

Answer №2

Change the height to 100% for the col-lg-12 class

Answer №3

Simply omit the height:100% from your code and experiment with the following:

background-image: url("newimage.gif"); 
background-repeat: repeat-x;

Answer №4

To achieve a darkblue background for the entire webpage, you just need to add the following style rule to your "body selector":


body {
    background-color: darkblue;

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