Implementing JavaScript functionality based on a specific body class

Is there a way to execute this script only on a specific page with a particular body class? For example, if the page has

<body class="category-type-plp">

How can I target my script to work specifically for "category-type-plp"?

plpSpaceRemove: function() {

    $(document).ready(function() {
          if ($('').length % 4 === 0) {
            for (let i = 0; i < ($('').length / 4); i++) {
              let remove = true;
              $('').slice(i * 4, 4 * (i + 1)).each(function() {
                  if ($(this).find(".bv-stars-wrap

                      ").length != 0) {
                      remove = false;
                if (remove) {
                  $('').slice(i * 4, 4 * (i + 1)).each(function() {
                      if ($(this).find(".bv-stars-wrap

                          ").length === 0) {
                          $(this).css("display", "none");
              else {
                for (let i = 0; i < ($('').length / 3); i++) {
                  let remove = true;
                  $('').slice(i * 3, 3 * (i + 1)).each(function() {
                        if ($(this).find('.bv-stars-wrap

                            ').length != 0) {
                            remove = false;

Answer №1

One way to determine if your body element contains a specific class is by checking with the following code:

if (!$('body').hasClass('some-class')) return;

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