What could be causing my CSS div class to cover up the image in the background?

Within my HTML code, I have a <div> that contains a whole partial view:

<div class="bkgImg">
    /* content goes here */

Inside this main <div>, there are two additional <div> elements - one without a class and one with a class:

        <h1>Content Here</h1>
        <img class="img-rounded" src="~/Content/Images/blahblah.svg" />
        <p>More Content</p>

<div class="customRound">
                <a href="unimportant">

The "bkgImg" background displays up until the end of the first div. However, when I add a class to the second div, it appears as whitesmoke - which is the color set for the body. Why does adding a class to the inner div override the styling of the outer encompassing div?

I've attempted various solutions in CSS such as setting background to "none", "inherit", or background:rgba(0,0,0,0) to allow the original bkgImg to show, but none seem to be working!


.customRound > ul{
.customRound > ul > li{

.bkgImg {
    background-image: url("Images/PrettyPicture.png");

My question now is - how can I prevent the default body background from overriding the bkgImg set in the wrapping <div>? And what steps should I take to ensure no background appears on my <customRound> and <ul> elements?

Answer №1

To unveil the background of a parent element behind another, you can apply background: transparent.

Answer №2

For better layering of elements, consider adjusting the 'z-index' property by giving a lower value to the div without a class and a higher value to the element with the .customRound class.

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