Two-column layout with consistent height vertically, but varying heights on individual rows

By using JavaScript, I am able to ensure that two columns have equal height. The left column contains user input which can vary in length, causing some columns to have more content than others. My current issue is that there are multiple rows instead of just one. I am considering utilizing the each() function to loop through and apply the code to each row, but the class name remains the same throughout the markup.

boxes = $('.heightHack'); maxHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, { return $(this).height(); }).get()); boxes.height(maxHeight);

View the demo here

Answer №1

To achieve the desired results, you can wrap it in a loop and utilize the .find() function:

   boxes = $(this).find('.heightHack');
   maxHeight = Math.max.apply(
     Math, {
       return $(this).height();

Check out the demo here:

I hope this solution is beneficial for you. Best of luck!

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