When viewing my website on a mobile device, all elements that are supposed to be hidden on the desktop version are displayed properly. However, when I resize the

I have implemented code in my css file to hide specific items from the topbar on my website. When I view the site on my desktop and inspect it with mobile view, the hidden items appear correctly concealed. However, when I access the website on my phone, these items become visible.

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  #topbar {
    height: 50vh;   
  #topbar img {
    max-height: 90px;
 #topbar .social-links a {
  #topbar .logo {
  #topbar i {
  #topbar a {

Answer №1

Don't give up just yet! Clearing your phone's browser cache might do the trick.

We appreciate your patience and effort.

Best regards.

Answer №2

Have you attempted to clear your browser cache? It could be related to a browser issue.

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