Utilizing the CSS REM unit to define element dimensions

I recently discovered the versatility of using the REM unit for sizing elements, not just font sizes. It works really well in conjunction with the HTML font-size property.

html { font-size:1vw }
@media all and (max-width:720px) {
    html { font-size:10px }
#el { width:20rem;height:5rem }

However, I'm curious - is this method considered correct and reliable?

Answer №1

It ultimately comes down to your personal preference and style.

In my experience, I tend to use:

  • REM for font sizes with a px fallback
  • EM for paddings and margins
  • px, %, vw, and vh for sizing elements
  • For media queries, I lean towards using em, but rem and px are also common choices.

Using em for font sizes can cause issues with child elements, so it's generally not recommended.

I find REM to be intriguing for sizing elements, but I've been finding great success with utilizing vw and vh for responsive design in cases where % falls short.

Additionally, the CSS calc function allows for some interesting possibilities,

such as width: calc(100% - 85px); for specific fixed sizes within your layout.

For further exploration on this topic, check out this recommended read. I hope this information proves helpful to you.

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