Tips for adjusting the number of columns in a list display using CSS

Recently, I decided to delve into the world of CSS and Bootstrap. I came across an interesting example that I'm trying to implement in my project. You can find the example here.

Here's the HTML code snippet:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6">
            <div class="card">
                <div class="header">
                    <h2><strong>New</strong> Friends <small>Add new friend in last month</small></h2>
                <div class="body">
                    <ul class="new_friend_list list-unstyled row">
                        <li class="col-lg-4 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-4">
                            <a href="">
                                <img src="" class="img-thumbnail" alt="User Image">
                                <h6 class="users_name">Jackson</h6>
                                <small class="join_date">Today</small>

And here's the CSS code snippet:

.card {
a {

I'm looking to update the layout so that each row contains 5 data elements instead of 3. I've attempted using column-count but haven't had much luck. Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

This is my initial response (excited)

To begin, examine the html and locate the specific line of code. Replace col-lg-4 with col-lg-2 in every <li> element.

This adjustment only applies to larger screens


<li class="col-lg-4 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-4"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="img-thumbnail" alt="User Image"><h6 class="users_name">Matthew</h6> <small class="join_date">17 Dec</small> </a></li>


<li class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-4"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="img-thumbnail" alt="User Image"><h6 class="users_name">Matthew</h6> <small class="join_date">17 Dec</small> </a></li>

For further clarification, refer to this page


Answer №2

To switch out the class col-lg-4, use the class .w-20 instead.

Next, in your CSS, include the class .w-20 like so:

.w-20 {
  -webkit-box-flex: 0;
      -ms-flex: 0 0 20%;
          flex: 0 0 20%;
  max-width: 20%;

For a more in-depth explanation, visit this link:

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