Ways to display a vertical scrollbar within a select box

I'm currently working with an Angular select box and I'm looking to display a scroll bar if there are more than 5 data entries.

<select class="form-control" data-ng-model='projectListData.appVersion' ng-selected ng-options="v.version as v.version for v in versionList | orderBy:'-version' " >
    <option value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Choose Version</option>

I attempted to use the 'size' attribute but it didn't work as expected.

size = '5'

Please provide your suggestions.

Answer №1

Code Snippet:

<select id="versions" class="form-control" data-ng-model='projectListData.appVersion' ng-selected ng-options="v.version as v.version for v in versionList | orderBy:'-version' " >
    <option value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Choose Version</option>


if($scope.versionList.length > 5){
    // Using vanilla JavaScript to handle dropdown overflow
    var dropdown = document.getElementById("versions");
    dropdown.style.overflow = "scroll";
    // One-liner with vanilla JavaScript
    document.getElementById("versions").style.overflow = "scroll";
    // jQuery approach
    $("#versions").css("overflow", "scroll");

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