Implement responsive data tables by setting a specific class for hiding columns

Having trouble assigning a specific class name to individual columns in datatables? It seems that when columns are hidden using the responsive extension, the desired class is not applied. Looking for a solution or workaround.

Check out this example from Datatables:

The visible salary column has a class of desktop


The hidden extn column has a class of none



Seems like there's been an ongoing issue since 2016 regarding this matter.

Any suggestions for workarounds would be greatly appreciated.

Take a look at this jsfiddle for a visual demonstration of the problem.

When the display size is reduced horizontally, the salary column disappears. Upon expanding it again, notice how the yellow color of the column is lost.

Answer №1

When the class is set to none, DataTables removes it from the table and displays Length: 0. To resolve this, you need to modify the class like this:

{ "data": "extn", className: "hiddenColumn" }
and apply CSS by adding display:none

Answer №2

Utilizing Michał B's code as a reference, here is a solution:


<div class="container">
  <table class="dataTable table table-striped" id="example">



.customColumn > .dtr-data{


let dataSet = [
  ["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "$320,800"],
  ["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422","$170,750"],
  ["Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "$86,000"],
  ["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "$433,060"],

let columnDefs = [{
  title: "Name"
}, {
  title: "Position"
}, {
  title: "Office"
}, {
  title: "Extn.",
  className: "customColumn"
}, {
  title: "Salary",

let myTable = $('#example').DataTable({
  data: dataSet,
  columns: columnDefs,
  responsive: true,
}).on( 'responsive-display', function ( e, datatable, row, showHide, update ) {
        if(typeof row.selector.rows[0] !== 'undefined'){

}).on('responsive-resize',function( e, datatable, columns ){

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