Detecting whether a browser is capable of supporting dark mode

One method to determine if dark mode is active is by using prefers-color-scheme: dark:

const isDarkMode = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;

Is there a way to detect if a browser supports dark mode as well? (By "supports dark mode" I mean when the browser automatically changes the default background/text colors of web pages).

To enforce dark mode in CSS, we can use:

color-scheme: dark;

However, some browsers like Firefox for Android might not acknowledge this. Hence, it would be ideal to hide theme selection if dark mode is unavailable.

Answer №1

One method I am currently using involves toggling between dark and light modes to see if the default color changes:

const hasDarkMode = function()
  const el = document.createElement("div"); = "none";
  let color;
  /*canvastext - doesn't work in Samsung Internet, initial/unset - doesn't work in Firefox*/
  for(let i = 0, c = ["canvastext", "initial", "unset"]; i < c.length; i++ )
  { = c[i]; = "dark";
    color = getComputedStyle(el).color; = "light";
    color = color != getComputedStyle(el).color;
    if (color)
  return color;

console.log("Dark mode supported:", hasDarkMode);

While this approach may not be the most elegant, it appears to be effective.

We can also explore another method suggested by @connexo:

const hasDarkMode = CSS.supports("color-scheme", "dark");

console.log("Dark mode supported:", hasDarkMode);
@supports (color-scheme: dark)
    display: none;
<div>Dark mode is <span class="no-dark-mode">not </span>available</div>

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