Utilizing the Bootstrap grid system to dynamically adjust column width based on specific conditions

When working with HTML and bootstrap (3.7) CSS, I often come across this issue:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-6">Stretch ME!</div>
  <div class="col-xs-6">Conditional</div>

Sometimes the "Conditional" div is present, sometimes it's not. The challenge is how to make the "Stretch ME!" div stretch to the width of the row even if the other div is not there. Is there a way to achieve this using bootstrap without having to conditionally rewrite the classes? Perhaps by using a class like

class="col-xs-6 but-flex-me-if-over-blank-space"

P.S. Surprisingly, I have searched extensively but have not found a clear answer on this common dilemma.

Answer №1

.row {
  Utilizing display: flex;
  Size of 100%;
.row .col-xs-6:first-child {
    Applying flex-grow property with a value of 1;

The flex-grow attribute will occupy all available space.

For demonstration, visit https://jsfiddle.net/d8fb36w5/2/

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