Looking to personalize the appearance of an iframe using CSS styling?

I am working with an iframe that generates a form, and I would like to customize the CSS of this form. How can I go about editing the CSS?

<div class="quiz-container" style="text-align: center;" data-quiz="#######" data-preview="true" data-offset="0" data-autoscroll="yes"></div>

<script src="https://marketingfx.leadshook.io/s/js_embed"></script>

<div class="quiz-container" style="text-align: center;" data-quiz="#######" data-preview="true" data-offset="0" data-autoscroll="yes"></div>
<script src="https://marketingfx.leadshook.io/s/js_embed"></script>

Answer ā„–1

The JavaScript code generates an iframe that directs to a different domain.

If you had authority over that domain, you could modify the page loaded with different CSS styles. Another option would be to implement an API (using postMessage) so that JavaScript on your website could request CSS modifications on the framed page.

Unfortunately, it seems that you do not have control over https://marketingfx.leadshook.io, hence this cannot be achieved.

The webpage belongs to someone else, meaning you are unable to dictate its appearance.

This functionality might be provided by https://marketingfx.leadshook.io. They may offer a solution for this. Refer to their documentation or get in touch with your contacts there.

Answer ā„–2

This query has already been addressed on Stack Overflow before. Kindly refer to Override body style for content in an iframe

You will find multiple solutions in that thread that may be beneficial.

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