:using the :empty pseudo-class to style dynamic content

In my research, I came across the sitepoint page and also the quirksmode page discussing the new :empty pseudoclass.

Sitepoint mentioned that the empty style persists even when dynamic content is added, with Firefox being the browser known for behaving this way.

On the other hand, Quirksmode stated that the empty state gets discarded once it's filled in with text or elements. While testing their demo on Chrome 19, everything worked fine for me. This led me to assume that only Firefox was experiencing issues.

However, I encountered a problem within my plugin code where I dynamically populate a list with items. Despite trying to append list items in this fiddle, they don't show up until inspected via the console (strangely appearing when clicking on the <li> in the element tree).

I'm curious as to why this behavior is happening and whether there's a workaround to effectively remove the empty style.

While I realize there are alternative methods to achieve what I'm attempting in the fiddle (currently using one of them), the simplicity of the :empty method appeals to me.


I've implemented a button to remove items. Ideally, when the last item is removed, the list should disappear - but it still doesn't work. I'll test it in another browser to see if there's any difference.


A temporary fix or alternative to using :empty and display:none would be adjusting the element to have zero values for width, height, borders, margins, and paddings. Additionally, apply position:absolute to take it out of the flow.

Answer №1

The solution you shared is effective for Firefox 10 and Internet Explorer 9, but it encounters issues in Chrome (version 18 and above).

It remains unclear why this discrepancy exists, especially since the quirksmode page operates smoothly on Chrome.

In regard to implementing the force-discard feature, it appears achievable by adjusting almost any CSS property through code.

You can see an example at this link.


I stumbled upon a Chrome bug report related to the misbehavior of the :empty selector when combined with display:none.

This issue has reportedly been resolved, but there might be cause to reconsider it.

To demonstrate functionality without utilizing display:none (instead opting for changing background color), check out this test: here.

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