Is there a significant time-saving benefit to utilizing nested rules in CSS, particularly when using HAML or LESS?

Here is how I am currently coding my CSS:

Regular CSS:

#content { color: white; background: black; }  
#content a { color: yellow; }  
#content p { margin: 0; }  
#content (etc...)  
#contnet (etc...)  
#content (etc...)  

(I always include the parent even if it's not necessary so I can navigate within the stylesheet easily)

This is how it would be done using SCSS or LESS:

#content {  
  color: white;  
  background: black;  
    a { color: yellow; }  
    p { margin: 0em; }  

What are some advantages and disadvantages of nesting rules in CSS?

Answer №1

In a nutshell, the key is clarity.

The readability of the second option is markedly better. Additionally, consolidating all #banner related styles in one place rather than having them scattered across the stylesheet can be beneficial.

Does it result in time saved? Well, that might vary based on individual work practices. It could potentially save time.

Answer №2

It is much more convenient to maintain code this way. For example, if you are defining styles for a large CSS:

#content el1{}
#content el2{}
#content el3{}
#content el999{}

... and then suddenly #content gets renamed to #something-else. Instead of updating 999 entries, you would only need to update one!


In addition, it enhances readability and encourages the use of nesting.

I can only see benefits when using preprocessor solutions like less or scss. Not only does it save time in the long term, but it also results in cleaner, DRYer code.

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