Is there a way to mimic disabled input fields?

Is there a way to simulate input being disabled without actually changing the value in the input field, but still have that value sent with POST using a form?

<input class="dis" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="111">
<input class="no" type="text">
<input class="dis" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="333">

Are there ways to achieve this using CSS and jQuery?

Answer №1

Opt for the readonly attribute over disabled.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that this won't visually gray out the field. To achieve this effect, apply the following CSS:

input[readonly] { color: #aaa; }

(you may need to adjust the color slightly to match the original disabled appearance)

Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize the readonly attribute over the disabled attribute.

Answer №3

Implementing tabindex with a solution.

Define a new .inactive style for disabled elements.


.inactive {
    pointer-events:none; /* Disabling cursor */
    background-color: #ddd; /* Light gray background */


$(".inactive").attr("tabindex", "-1");


<input type="text" class="inactive" />

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