Chromium CSS blend mode problem

Can anyone help me create a Photoshop overlay effect on my website? My code works perfectly in Firefox, but it's not functioning correctly in Chrome. Here's the demo.

This is my current code:


<img src=""/>
<div id="blend"></div>




Answer №1

Unfortunately, the latest version of Chrome 40.x does not have the mix-blend-mode feature enabled by default.

If you want to use this feature, you can manually enable it in Chrome or Opera:

  1. Type chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features into the address bar and press enter.

  2. Click on the ‘Enable’ link within that section.

  3. Finally, click on the ‘Relaunch Now’ button at the bottom of the browser window.

It's worth noting that mix-blend-mode will only work on clients with experimental features enabled, which can be disappointing for some users.

On a more positive note, the background-blend-mode: overlay; feature is still available without any additional settings.

This feature allows you to blend the background-image against the background-color seamlessly, but keep in mind that you cannot cheat by using transparent colors.

We hope that mix-blend-mode will be included as a default feature in Chrome soon to make things easier for all users.

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