Emphasizes the P tag by incorporating forward and backward navigation options

My goal is to enable users to navigate up and down a list by pressing the up and down arrow keys. For example, if "roma" is currently highlighted, I want it to change to "milan" when the user presses the down arrow key. Here is the HTML code I am working with:

<li id="place">

I am looking to achieve this functionality using JavaScript, possibly utilizing the onclick() method. Can someone please advise me on which JavaScript attribute to use for this task and how to highlight an item using CSS? Thank you!

Answer №1

To highlight a specific element when clicked, you can add a CSS class to it. Using jQuery toggle function will allow you to switch the highlighting on and off for that element. Check out a jsFiddle example soon...

Check out this jQuery Example: http://jsfiddle.net/2NS5V/2/

Or take a look at this JavaScript Example: http://jsfiddle.net/GDEeW/1/

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