Is there a way to customize the CSS for a single blog post and add a 5-star rating system without affecting other posts?

After launching my blog on Google's Blogger, I wanted to add a unique touch by incorporating a static 5-star rating system in my Books I Read Section. I thought about using CSS to customize each book post and display anywhere from 1 to 5 stars for visitors to easily see and understand the rating.

I'm seeking advice on how to edit the CSS of individual blog posts to specifically target the read books for this purpose. Additionally, any tips on creating an image that allows me to adjust the percentage displayed for each star rating (e.g. 100% for 5 Stars, 80% for 4 Stars, 60% for 3 Stars) would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

This solution does NOT rely on JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, or CSS3.

To clarify: It leverages plain ASCII Code to meet the STAR requirements.

Solid Star:
ASCII Code for Solid Star: ★

Outline Star:
ASCII Code for Outline Star: ☆

Live DEMO Below (sorry jsFiddle!):

Book Title: A Journey To the Dentist
Book Author: Yin Pain & Lord Howard Hurts
Star Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Book Title: Heartache
Book Author: I. Coffalot
Star Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Book Title: Coping With Skunks
Book Author: Stan Back
Star Rating: ★★★☆☆

Book Title: True Sight Reveals True Deceits
Book Author: I.C. You
Star Rating: ★★★★☆

Book Title: Patterns On the Wall
Book Author: Who Threw Dung
Star Rating: ★★★★★

HTML code snippet for the above list:

Book Title: A Journey To the Dentist<br />
Book Author: Yin Pain & Lord Howard Hurts<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Heartache<br />
Book Author: I. Coffalot<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Coping With Skunks<br />
Book Author: Stan Back<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: True Sight Reveals True Deceits<br />
Book Author: I.C. You<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;<br />

Book Title: Patterns On the Wall<br />
Book Author: Who Threw Dung<br />
Star Rating: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;<br />

★☆☆☆☆   ★★☆☆☆   ★★★☆☆   ★★★★☆   ★★★★★   

Optional: Utilize CSS font styles to modify star size, color, and background for a personalized touch!

Answer №2

Utilize a jQuery Star Rating Plugin.
Refer to the second half for an alternative method using only CSS.

Take a look at this screenshot from the jQuery Star Rating Plugin. For more plugin examples, visit the Database Integration Tab, or search for additional jQuery Star Plugins HERE.



Check out this Demo for the jQuery Star Rating Plugin

Screenshot of jsFiddle jQuery Star Rating Demo:

The minimal HTML markup required for the jQuery Star Rating Plugin is as follows (completely customizable):

<span class="bookFiveStar">
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>
  <input name="book002" type="radio" class="star" disabled="disabled"/>

Here are two distinct solutions for this answer.

Opt for a Pure CSS Rating System without relying on a jQuery plugin or JavaScript.
Refer back to the first part above if you prefer using the jQuery Star Rating Plugin.

The reference image utilized was sourced from hot-linkable and is displayed below.
The dimensions are set as width:98px; and height:143px; with the image format being jpg.



View the Demo for the Pure CSS Star Rating

Screenshot of jsFiddle Pure CSS Demo:

Minimal HTML:

<div class="starsCSS">
  <img class="stars3" title="3 Stars" src="" alt="Star Rating Image" />

Complete CSS:

/* This class name configures and positions the 6 star image block. */
  /* The width of the star block uses the entire star.jpg width */
  width: 98px;
  /* The height of the star block is LIMITED to 23px, i.e. 1 star row. */
  height: 23px;
  /* This overflow:hidden will ensure only 1 row is ever seen, when aligned properly.
  /* That said, later below different classname uses margin-top negitive offset to align. */
  overflow: hidden;
  /* The placement of the star block is relative to other elements. Adjust px here. */
  position: relative;
  top: 10px;
  left: 155px;
  /* Simple light blue border is provided for the image./
  /* Your cusom star image may be a .png with transparency so remove this setting. */
  border: 2px solid DodgerBlue;

/* This CSS Selector consists of classname .starsCSS that has 'img tag'. */
/* This rule will set original image width and original image height for stars.jpg file. */
.starsCSS img{
  width: 98px;
  height: 143px;

/* These 6 classes will position the image so that only the relevant "star row" is seen for .starsCSS */
/* Technically, this first class .stars1 is not needed since nothing changes. */
/* Note stars.jpg is used full width (98px), therefore it's 1 column. */
/* Use margin-left with negative value if your custom image.jpg has 2 or more columns */
/* IF stars.jpg was double in width then "margin-left: -98px;" will hide first column */
  margin-top: 0px;
/* Reference Image: 143px height divide by 6 star rows = 23.833333px per row. */
/* Hence, star.jpg image is not perfect and it's rounded to 24px per row instead */
/* Since 1 star row is 24px high, classname .stars2 will offset that to get to next row. */
/* That said, the value needs to be negitive since entire image is shifted up (offset). */
/* The class .starsCSS will now show the second star row! */
  margin-top: -24px; /* Shift up star row 1 */
  margin-top: -48px; /* Shift up star rows 1 and 2 */
  margin-top: -72px; /* Shift 3 rows of stars out of view (24 x 3 = 72 )  */
  margin-top: -96px; /* Shift 4 rows of stars out of view */
  margin-top: -120px; /* Shift 5 rows of stars out of view */

Answer №3

To modify the appearance of a specific tag, you can use the style attribute:

<span class="stars" style="width: 80px"></span>

The CSS for the .stars class may resemble the following:

background: url(stars.png) repeat-x;

In this example, the image stars.png is 20px wide and repeated horizontally 4 times to create 80px width for 4 stars. To display 5 stars, the total width would be 100px, and so on.

This concept is demonstrated in a jsFiddle Demo with instructional comments.


Check out the jsFiddle Demo for Repeatable Star Rating CSS


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