Guidelines for placing an HTML element in relation to another HTML element using CSS or JavaScript

Is there a way to position an HTML element in relation to another using CSS or JavaScript? I have attempted to copy the inner HTML of the "second-element" and append it inside the "first-element", but this approach is causing issues with other functionalities. I am looking for a CSS or JS solution that does not require altering the HTML structure.

<div id=“first-element”>
    <p>— Choose course —</p>
    <!— The second-element should appear here —>

<div id=“second-element”> 

Answer №1

<div id="primary-section">
  <p>— Pick a course —</p>
<div id="secondary-section">
<script src=""></script> 
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#secondary-section ul').appendTo('#primary-section');


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