Achieving the minimum width of a table column in Material-UI

Currently I am in the process of developing a React website with Material-UI. One query that has come up is whether it's feasible to adjust the column width of a table to perfectly fit the data, along with some extra padding on both ends?

Outlined below is my current table setup:

<Table className={classes.table} size="small">
        <TableCell width="???">CA</TableCell> <--- The width should be determined by "Fit to data" + X pixels margin
        <TableCell width="140px">CB</TableCell>
        <TableCell width="240px">CC</TableCell>
        <TableCell width="200px">CD</TableCell>
      { => (
        <TableRow key={}>

I aim for column CA to have a minimal width, enough to accommodate the data plus additional space around it, preventing any content from touching the column borders.

In trying to achieve this, I've experimented with:

  1. Omitting the declaration of width altogether - yielded no results
  2. Setting width="auto" - also proved unsuccessful

Answer №1

To style this particular th, you can use CSS to set it to width: 1px; white-space: nowrap;.

This CSS code should work for your situation:

.MuiTableCell-head:first-child {
   width: 1px;
   white-space: nowrap;

If you prefer using inline styling in React, here's how you can achieve the same effect:

// You have the option to include padding or any other style properties in this style object

<TableCell style={{width: '1px', whiteSpace: 'nowrap'}}>CA</TableCell>

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