What is the process for customizing the image size of a WordPress RSS feed in pixels?

Is there a way to customize image sizes beyond the 'thumbnail', 'medium', and 'large' options? I tried setting width and height in the <img> tag within an RSS file, but it didn't work. Could it be a nested quotation marks issue as shown in this answer: ?

When attempting to insert a post's featured image into a custom RSS file using PHP, specifying image size through mailchimp RSS-to-campaign editor didn't seem possible.

<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?></title>
    <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?></link>
<?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail()): ?>
    <media:content url="<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'medium'); echo $image[0]; ?>" medium="image" />
<?php endif; ?>

I found that changing 'medium' to 'thumbnail' was successful for altering parameters, but substituting it with 'width="600px" height="300px"' reverted to original image sizes instead.

Answer №1

After some research, I came across a solution that doesn't involve specifying image sizes in pixels within the RSS file. Instead, it entails creating a new image size category in Wordpress and then referencing that size in the RSS media tag. As stated in an article on :

  • The first step was to create an additional image size in Wordpress by using the add_image_size function in the functions.php file. Here's an example:

    add_image_size( 'rss-thumb', 200, 150, true );
    add_image_size( 'search-thumb', 150, 150, true );
    add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'my_custom_sizes' );
    function my_custom_sizes( $sizes ) {
        return array_merge( $sizes, array(
    'rss-thumb' => __( 'RSS Thumb' ),
    'search-thumb' => __( 'Search Thumb' ),
    ) );
  • Next, I specified the new image size in the RSS file within the <media:content> tag;

    <?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail()): ?>
        <media:content url="<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'rss-thumb'); echo $image[0]; ?>" medium="image" />
    <?php endif; ?>
  • Finally, I regenerated the thumbnails using a plugin called "Force Regenerate Thumbnails" to ensure that existing images were saved with the newly created size-category as well.

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