Tips for employing CSS hover within HTML elements?

Is there a way to achieve the following:

<li style="hover:background-color:#006db9;">

I have tried this approach but it doesn't seem to work. Is there an alternative method, or do I need to include the CSS in the head section or an external CSS file?

Answer №1

You cannot achieve this effect using inline styles, but you can utilize the well-known onmouseover / onmouseout event handler to accomplish the same result.

<li onmouseover="'#006db9'" onmouseout="''">

Keep in mind: CSS properties with hyphens must be converted to camelCase when implementing in Javascript, such as (css)background-color = (javascript)backgroundColor

Answer №2

Unfortunately, achieving this effect using the style attribute is not possible. Your best bet would be to utilize CSS, whether it's within the document or an external file.

li:hover { background-color:#006db9; }

If CSS is out of the question, your next option would be to turn to JavaScript for a solution.

Answer №3

As far as I know, performing this task inline without using Javascript is nearly impossible. It would be necessary to place the code in either the head section or external stylesheets as you have mentioned.

Inserting a <style> tag within the body may work across all browsers, but it is not considered valid and should be avoided.

Answer №4

As far as I know, utilizing pseudo-classes (:hover, :active, etc) in inline styles is not possible.

Answer №5

Instead of simply utilizing the <li> element, consider enclosing it within an

<a href="#" class="hoverable">
tag and applying the following styling either at the beginning of the document or in a separate CSS file:


Alternatively, you can opt for Javascript to bypass using the anchor tag altogether.

If you're looking for a recommendation, I suggest checking out JQuery.

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