Align the bottom of the Material UI icon with the bottom of the text

Below is the code snippet that I am working with:

    <WarningAmberIcon sx={{ color: '#cc0000' }} />&nbsp;&nbsp; If you cannot print in colour, please <a href="" target="_blank"> click here for further instruction</a>

However, when this code is displayed on the screen, it appears like this:

I am wondering how I can align the bottom of the icon with the bottom of the text?

Answer №1

To give a unique look, you can customize the appearance using css positioning

For example:

sx={{ position: 'relative', top: '5px' }}

Alternatively, you could enclose the icon and text in a new container and set it as a flex container. Then adjust the align-items value to flex-end

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, consider using flexbox:

 <div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center">
  your content

If you find that the text is not perfectly centered, adjusting the line-height to 1 can help resolve it.

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