adjusting the width of an HTML table cell

I'm struggling with the code below:

    <th class='1'>Date</th>
    <th class='2'>Start Time</th>
    <th class='3'>End Time </th>
    <th class='4'>Location</th>
    <td class='1'>Date</td>
    <td class='2'>Start Time</td>
    <td class='3'>End Time </td>
    <td class='4'>Location</td>

and I have the following CSS

 table {width:550px;}
.1 {width:60px; background-color:green;}
.2 {width:90px; background-color:blue;}
.3 {width:90px; background-color:red;}
.4 {width:100px; background-color:yellow;}​

I'm facing an issue where the width isn't being set and the background color is not changing as expected. It seems like there might be a mistake in my code somewhere.

Answer №1

Make sure your class names do not begin with numbers. Consider renaming them to start with a letter (a-z).

Check out the JS Fiddle example:

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