The wrapAll() method can be used to wrap list items within two columns

I am looking to group multiple li elements within two div containers by using jQuery's wrapAll method. The challenge lies in the fact that these items are rendered within a single <ul> element via a CMS. Here is the current setup:

    <li class="list-1">
        <li class="list-2">
        <li class="list-3">
        <li class="list-4">

The goal is to group list-1 and list-2 within one div, and list-3 with list-4 into another div. This way, we achieve the following result:

    <div class="group-1">
        <li class="list-1">
            <li class="list-2">
    <div class="group-2">
        <li class="list-3">
            <li class="list-4">

I am exploring if it's possible to use something like this:

$( "li:nth-child(1), li:nth-child(2)" ).wrapAll( "<div class='group-1'></div>" );

Any suggestions or guidance on achieving this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

You can use the following function to group elements in li tags.

To adjust the grouping, simply update the value of the groupSep variable as needed.

For this example, I have set groupSep = 2.

Check out the demo below:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var groupCounter = 1;
  var groupSep = 2;
  var liHtml = '';
$('ul > li').each(function(index, el){
    if(((index+1) % groupSep) === 1){
      $('ul').append('<div class="group-'+groupCounter+'"></div>');
      for(i=0; i<groupSep; i++){
        $('ul > li').eq(0).appendTo('ul .group-'+groupCounter);

<script src=""></script>
    <li class="list-1">
        <li class="list-2">
        <li class="list-3">
        <li class="list-4">
      <li class="list-5">
      <li class="list-6">
      <li class="list-7">
      <li class="list-8">

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