Using jQuery to remove the 'active class' when the mouse is not hovering

I recently came across this amazing jQuery plugin for creating slide-out and drawer effects:

However, I encountered a problem. I want to automatically close the active 'drawer' when the mouse is not hovering over any element. The jQuery plugin currently keeps the active drawer open until the mouseover event occurs on another drawer element. How can I make all the drawers close when none of them are being hovered over?

Here is my initialization code:

$(function () {
        // specify the drawer handle
        header: 'H2.drawer-handle',

        // define our selected class
        selectedClass: 'open',

        // trigger the effect on mouseover
        event: 'mouseover'

In addition, I noticed that when I add the 'open' class to the drawer element's CSS ( {}), the color animation for the active drawer handle does not function as expected. Any thoughts on why this might be happening? I am using PHP within Joomla 1.7.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Here's a partial solution that may help you:

$(function() {
    var $accordion = $('UL.drawers').accordion({
        // define the drawer handle
        header: 'H2.drawer-handle',
        // chosen class for open state
        selectedClass: 'open',
        // triggering event for Apple slide out effect
        event: 'mouseover',
        // option to close all drawers (default is "true" - keep one open always)
        alwaysOpen: false

    $('UL.drawers').mouseout(function () {
        // close all drawers when mouse exits parent list

This solution is labeled as partial because it may not be as smooth as desired, but it should give you a good starting point in the right direction.

You can test it on this jsFiddle link:

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