Toggling javascript functionality based on media queries

On one of my slides, I want to display images that are specific to different devices like iPhone, iPad, and desktop.

I am looking for a way to filter these images based on the device. Using display:none won't work as it's JavaScript, but here is a basic idea of how it could be done:

<style type="text/css">
@media only screen and (min-width: 800px) {
    #slide-desktop {display:block;}
    #slide-ipad {display:none;}
    #slide-iphone {display:none;}
@media only screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 799px) {
    #slide-desktop {display:none;}
    #slide-ipad {display:block;}
    #slide-iphone {display:none;}
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #slide-desktop {display:none;}
    #slide-ipad {display:none;}
    #slide-iphone {display:block;}
<div id="slide-desktop">
        $.vegas('slideshow', {
        { src:'images/slide/desktop.jpg', fade:600 },
<div id="slide-ipad">
        $.vegas('slideshow', {
        { src:'images/slide/ipad.jpg', fade:600 },
<div id="slide-iphone">
        $.vegas('slideshow', {
        { src:'images/slide/iphone.jpg', fade:600 },

Answer №1

To execute different scripts based on a media query, consider using the enquire.js library.

With enquire.js, you can easily respond to CSS media queries using a lightweight and pure JavaScript approach.

This means you won't have to include any styling within your code.

Answer №2

If you need to determine the device width using JavaScript, you can utilize a simple script like the one below:

   if(window.innerWidth >= 800)
     alert('Is this a desktop?');
   else if(window.innerWidth >= 481 && window.innerWidth < 799)
     alert('Could this be an iPad?');
   else if(window.innerWidth < 480)
    alert('Possibly an iPhone?');

Nevertheless, I would recommend exploring other methods rather than solely relying on this approach. Take a look at

The optimal technique for detecting a mobile device in jQuery.

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