Is there a way to modify the CSS of the sequential number element when it is clicked on?

I've successfully utilized jQuery to create sequential numbering for my menu items.

Upon clicking, the hyperlink text changes color to red. However, I'm facing an issue where I want the corresponding number to also change to red when the hyperlink is clicked and active.

For example, clicking on 'WHY YOU NEED IT' turns the text red perfectly. But I'm looking to have the background color of number 1 change to red as well.

I attempted to switch classes but it didn't produce the desired result.

Below is the provided JavaScript code:

jQuery(function ($) {
    $(".menu-solutions-menus-container ul li").each(function (i, el) { $(this).children('a').prepend("<number>" + (i + 1.) + "</number>");

$('.local-scroll').click(function (event) {
    var full_url = this.href;
    var parts = full_url.split('#');
    var trgt = parts[1];

    var target_offset = $('#' + trgt).offset();
    var target_top =;

    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: target_top
    }, 500);

$('.menu-solutions-menus-container a').click(function () {
    $('.menu-solutions-menus-container a').removeClass('active');

$('.number').click(function () {

Here's the jsfiddle workspace. (Change jQuery version to jQuery 1.7.2 or above if you don't see the numbers.)

I'm particularly interested in implementing this feature on the secondary menu of this website.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

Simply adjusting the class names should resolve the issue


.active number {
    background: red;

To number {
    background: white;

Explanation and revision (edited)

The CSS selector .active number targets an html element number with a class of active, such as <number class="active" />. However, based on your HTML code, it appears that you intend for the parent <a> to have the class "active" with a child node of <number>.

To achieve this, the parent class should come first followed by a space to indicate a child element of the parent, then specify the target element.

For example: number {
    background: red

Additional notes for top bars:

There are a couple of adjustments required here. Firstly, the grey sections are background colors rather than borders. Secondly, the CSS selector is looking for a parent class of "active," but in your case, "active" is nested within the <li> elements.

<li id="menu-item-205" class="local-scroll menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-205">
    <a href="#what-we-offer" class="active"></a>

To address this, assign the active class to the li instead:

ul.shortcode_menu.solution-menu {
    background: black;

I have replaced border-top with background: black assuming it aligns with your desired effect.

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