Display an icon to act as a separator between icons in CSS styling

Is there a way to display a spacer line before and after icons (cross symbols) while excluding the spacer line before and after buttons carrying the word "Cancel"? How can this be achieved?

This is my CSS file:

.Container > *:first-child::before,
.Container > *::after 
    display: inline-block;
    content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');
  1. All icons and buttons containing "Cancel" are enclosed within the container div.

  2. How can we prevent the spacer lines from appearing before and after buttons with the text "Cancel"?

I attempted the following code, but it was unsuccessful.

.Container > *:not(input[type="button"]):first-child::before,
.Container > *:not(input[type="button"])::after 
    display: inline-block;
    content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');

Answer №1


Consider the following example markup:

<div class="container">
    <input type="button" value="Cancel" />
    <input type="button" value="Cancel" />

To achieve your desired outcome, you can utilize the below CSS:


.container > *:not([type="button"]):first-child::before,
.container > *:not([type="button"])::after 
    /*content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');*/
    content: ''; /* not needed if using a line image */
    background: #555; /* not needed if using a line image */
    display: inline-block;
    width: 1px;
    height: 100%;
    vertical-align: middle;
    margin: 0 8px;

See Example Here

Note: Instead of relying on the * selector, consider targeting specific child elements or assigning a class to them for better clarity.

Why did your initial CSS code not work as expected?

The :not() pseudo-class only accepts a simple selector.

As per the specification:

A simple selector can be a type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class.

While the not pseudo-class can accept an attribute selector like: :not([type="button"]), combining it with an element selector (e.g., input) - such as :not(input[type="button"]) is incorrect, leading to undesired results.

This will work:

.Container > *:not([type="button"])::after 
    display: inline-block;
    content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');

However, this won't:

.Container > *:not(input[type="button"])::after 
    display: inline-block;
    content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');

Refer to this demonstration for clarification.

Answer №2

To exclusively style the lines before and after icons, avoid using wildcards like * and deselecting buttons. Instead, directly target the icons by selecting their specific class such as .class.

.Container > .icon:first-child::before,
.Container > .icon::after 
 display: inline-block;
 content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');

If the icons are <img> elements, the corresponding CSS would be:

.Container > img:first-child::before,
.Container > img::after 
 display: inline-block;
 content: url('../Content/Images/Line.png');

This approach resolves the issue efficiently, although additional details would provide more accurate solutions.

Answer №3

To resolve the issue at hand, employing an adjacent sibling selector is crucial. This allows you to target elements based on their preceding siblings like so:

.sibling#one + .sibling#two {
    /* apply styles to every .sibling#two that comes after a .sibling#one */

For a visual demonstration, I have prepared a simple example here, using borders instead of images with lines and div's acting as buttons. Hopefully, this gives you some insight into the solution. Best of luck!

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