In my HTML document, I have three identical Id's and I need to figure out how to target the third one using CSS. Can you help

I am working on an HTML document that contains multiple instances of ids and classes. Here is a snippet of the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <div id="Caption_G" class="editor-group">
        editor-group<br />
        <div id="Caption_L" class="editor-label ">
        <div id="Caption_F" class="editor-field ">
    <div id="Caption_G" class="editor-group">
        editor-group<br />
        <div id="Caption_L" class="editor-label ">
        <div id="Caption_F" class="editor-field ">
    <div id="Caption_G" class="editor-group">
        editor-group<br />
        <div id="Caption_L" class="editor-label ">
        <div id="Caption_F" class="editor-field ">


I want to style only the third occurrence of the "Caption_F" id using CSS. Can someone help me with this? Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It is important to use the ID attribute only once in an HTML document. If you need to apply styles to multiple elements, it is recommended to use classes instead. For example:

.classname:last-child {
   //Add your CSS styling here

For more information on CSS selectors, visit this website:

You can assign multiple classes to a single HTML element. Here's an example:

<div class="editor-label Caption_L></div>

Answer №2

Avoid using the same ID more than once as IDs must be unique. Instead, consider using classes for elements that share similarities. To target a specific element within a group of similar elements with the class editor-group, you can utilize the :nth-child() selector.

  //your style

Answer №3

First and foremost, it is crucial that IDs are unique. Please make sure to update your document accordingly.

To address the issue at hand, one possible solution is to utilize the :last-of-type selector:

.editor-group:last-of-type {
   // add your styles here

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